Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pagination Update

I found a bug in my pagination code, if I had an amount of results which was a multiple of the amount to display per page, i got an extra page link which had no results

So i am using the ceil function now instead on the round function, this fixes the problem

$amountofpages = ceil($totalRows_Recordset_paging / $number_per_page);

I also modified it to have a "selected" page state for the very first page.. this was done by adding.

$whichpage = $_GET['whichpage'];

full code below...
Also, im sorry but blogger wont let me write HTML code, so i used a very long way to display my link at the bottom

$id = $_GET['id']; // this is a variable unrelated to the paging, but used for the data display
$whichpage = $_GET['whichpage']; // this tells us which page we are on

// checking to see what page we are on and what results we should display
if(!$_GET['whichpage']) {
$thepage = 0; 
$thepage_final = 0;
} else {
$thepage = $_GET['whichpage'];
$thepage_final = $thepage - 1; 

$number_per_page = 6; // how many results we should display per page
$startnumber = $thepage_final * $number_per_page; // which number to start the new record display from

// recordset to display results
mysql_select_db($database_mine, $mine);
$query_Recordset_shoelist = "SELECT * FROM shoes WHERE shoes_cat = $id ORDER BY shoes_name ASC LIMIT $startnumber, $number_per_page";
$Recordset_shoelist = mysql_query($query_Recordset_shoelist, $mine) or die(mysql_error());
$totalRows_Recordset_shoelist = mysql_num_rows($Recordset_shoelist);

// recordset for paging
$query_Recordset_paging = "SELECT * FROM shoes WHERE shoes_cat = $id ORDER BY shoes_name ASC";
$Recordset_paging = mysql_query($query_Recordset_paging, $mine) or die(mysql_error());
$totalRows_Recordset_paging = mysql_num_rows($Recordset_paging);

// i round this up to have even amount of pages
$amountofpages = ceil($totalRows_Recordset_paging / $number_per_page);

// this is my display, inserted in the HTML wherever you want the page numbers to display 

$number_per_page) { ?>

// this is my display

$i = 1;
while ($i <= $amountofpages):

if($whichpage == $i) {
echo "" . $i. ""; 
} else {
echo "<" ' "a href=brand_list.php?id=" . $id . "&whichpage=" . $i . "&id2=" . $id2 . " class=pagelink>" . $i. "<" . "/" . "a>";


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