I have recently troubleshooted a bug I have had for years. Dreamweaver by default uses mysql_pconnect when connecting to databases and this is considered bad practice for websites, (more info here http://ca3.php.net/function.mysql-pconnect ) Most servers only have a certain amount of connections and mysql_pconnect uses them all up and freezes database driven websites. The errors I would get were... Occasionally users would get a php error "Too Many Connections" when accessing a database driven page. The bug that drove me crazy for years was that my own computer would have too many connections open to the same web server and when I tried to test the PHP pages I built, they would freeze.. but it would not happen if I used another computer or tested the code on another website. And when I brought this problem to user forums, no one had a clue...
You should use mysql_connect and it is very easy to change in the connection code and does not break anything. You can simply open your connection file and change it (change mysql_pconnect to mysql_connect).
..or use this little trick I learned from the Abode support forum...
Locate the following file: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS4\configuration\Connections\PHP_MySQL\Connection_php_mysql.js. On a Mac, it should be in the same location in the Applications folder.
connParams.variables["$" + connParams.cname] = "mysql_pconnect(\"" + connParams.hostname + "\",\"" + connParams.username + "\",\"" + connParams.password + "\")";
Change it to this:
connParams.variables["$" + connParams.cname] = "mysql_connect(\"" + connParams.hostname + "\",\"" + connParams.username + "\",\"" + connParams.password + "\")";
Just to be clear the only thing that has changed is mysql_pconnect is now mysql_connect (removed the p).
In the same folder, you should find connection_includefile.edml. Open that, and change mysql_pconnect in line 12:
$@@cname@@ = mysql_pconnect($hostname_@@cname@@, $username_@@cname@@, $password_@@cname@@) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR);
By doing the above steps, your dreamweaver will by default use mysql_connect.
1 comment:
Yea, this is awesome, I have a top level dedicated server and i get max_user_connections error, i have changed my.cnf but i think this solution is the best to change from mysql_pconnect to mysql_connect
Also i have noiced a huge drop in server resources usage :)
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